Be an Elite Athlete - man running down a highway.

What's your website's online health?

A couch potato sitting on the sidelines?

Or taking a victory lap after winning the race? 

Nothing about having an online presence is “Set It & Forget It”.  Not even your website.

Are you sitting on the bench, standing on the podium, or somewhere in between?

Do you remember taking physical fitness tests in school? 

  • How many chin-ups, sit-ups, push-ups could you do? 
  • How quickly could you run the 50-meter dash? 
  • How flexible & agile?  (The rope test might have been a personal favorite). 

Students were tested at the beginning of the year and at the end to see what improvements had been made (or not).

Elite athletes do the same thing.  Their coaches take baseline measurements at the beginning of training and then periodically retake them throughout the season.  The measurements help both the coach & the athlete determine which areas to work & improve on.

Health Check: The Rope Climb

The same principle applies to a business’s overall online presence – what are the baseline measurements?

  • Are your customers staying & engaging or are they quickly leaving?
  • Do search engines flash an “insecure website” notice before anyone can even visit your website?
  • Do all your links work correctly?

To ensure your website & online presence perform like an elite athlete, you need to know what’s currently working and what’s not.  The best way to answer these questions (and many, many more) & to create baseline measurements is with our Online Fitness Test.

How does our Online Fitness Test review & determine baseline measurements?

Health Check - Man sprinting on a track

The better question is what don’t we review & measure! 

With our Online Fitness Test, we look at multiple points within several different categories including

  • design,
  • user experience,
  • social media,
  • security, structure,
  • and more to determine baseline measurements.

The Fitness Test is more than a quick look at a stopwatch to check performance & speed.  We scrutinize, evaluate, and measure every online “muscle” from marketing & branding to menus & links. 

After we’ve conducted the Online Fitness Test, we provide a detailed report.  Since this Fitness Test is so thorough, we also determine which areas should be focused on first & our recommendations for improvement. 

The long-term goal of the Online Fitness Test is to find the online “twitch muscles” that will help your website/online presence burst into the lead and onto the podium.

Not sure if you need an Online Fitness Test?

- Download our Health Check instead!

We get it.  Conducting an Online Fitness Test that reviews what type of online “cleats” your website uses, can be more than a little daunting!  You might feel like it’s better to remain chugging along in the middle of the website pack.  So, no worries.  We’ve created a quick, simple Online Health Check that you can do yourself.

The Health Check can be completed in 10 minutes or so.  We kept it short so as not to overwhelm nor to take-up too much of your time.  It’s meant to provide a quick overview of your business’s online presence. The baselines from the Health Check will help you determine which areas are “fit & fabulous” and which ones might need to be “whipped into shape”. 

It’s quick – painless – and you won’t get out of breath!

Yes, I Want A Free Online Health Check

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