Puppy laying his head on a laptop's keyboard

Let’s face it.  Working from home is nothing like working at the office.  Sure there are still distractions & interruptions, but they’re more unpredictable and even chaotic.  One way to stay productive is to learn to set realistic goals.

Set Realistic Goals

I find setting 2-3 daily goals helps me to stay focused.  Plus, working on only a couple of goals keeps me from being overwhelmed by a huge “to-do-list”.

Having smaller daily goals also allows me to pivot when necessary.  Take it from me, you’ll need to pivot probably every day when you work from home.  I know I do. 

No matter how well you “plan” the day and develop a routine something will knock your plan sideways.  Whether it’s sibling drama, an unexpected project, or a phone call from your parents, you’ll need to be willing and able to pivot.  Having only a couple of work goals each day will help you pivot and feel productive & successful too.

A Few Final Thoughts About Working From Home

Working from home can be challenging. But, it can also be very rewarding.

I love the flexibility of working from home. It allowed me to be involved in my children’s lives at school, in sports, and in their school activities. When they were sick, I could be home to take care of them and still do a little work.

Working from home allows me to set my own schedule including taking vacations when I want to. I hope that you’ll find your work/home/family balance and will enjoy your time working from home. Once you find you’re groove, you may never want to go back to the traditional 9 – 5 grind!

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